Comma courses

Do you have Danish and/ or foreign employees who are not quite sure when and where to put commas in Danish? Then this is the course for you.


In our comma courses the Danish comma rules are introduced and explained, and we subsequently do a number of different comma exercises. A large part of our comma courses are based on texts that the course participants have written themselves as part of their job – internal and external e-mails, written presentations etc. This way, we ensure our comma courses are always relevant and immediately applicable for the individual course participant.


As a customer with Dynamisk Dansk, you can decide yourself how many lessons you want your comma course to contain and how often classes are to be held. This way, it is entirely up to you how intensive your comma course will be.


Our comma courses can be held as individual courses as well as courses for smaller groups.


Course length: As per agreement.


For more information about our comma courses, call us on (+45) 29 82 44 44 or send an e-mail to

Individual tuition

Group tuition

Intensive crash courses

Pronunciation courses

Writing courses

Exam-oriented courses

Comma courses

Danish for children

Private lessons

Danish online